DOD - Developmental Orthopaedic Disease

Developmental Orthopaedic Disease is caused by an imbalance or deficiency in minerals in broodmare diets.

It encompasses a large range of skeletal problem associated with growth and development of the foal. The main cause is a deficiency or imbalance of calcium and phosphorus. The intake of both of the minerals must not only be accurate but in proportion with one another (1:8). If the calcium intake is less than the phosphorus intake, then calcium absorption may be impaired, and excessive phosphorus may cause skeletal abnormalities. Supplementation and a regulated feeding programme will assist in maintaining adequate levels of both calcium and phosphorus.

The type of pasture influences the amount of calcium and phosphorus available and the ratio between them and it is recommended to have the paddock checked by a specialist in order to ensure what supplementation is required and to reduce the risk of developing any birth defects and skeletal disorders.

For further information about Orthopaedic Developmental Disorder:

Genetic Testing: Practical Horse Genetics

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